July 18 - 20, 2025
10:00 AM- 12:00PM
Fem-Power @The Yoga Collective NYC
August 14th 2017
10:00am - 12:00pm

FemPower Acro is a celebration of female-identified practitioners, teachers, and innovators in Acro. This special event will include both acro as well as discussion and dialogue.
FemPower Acro is an opportunity for us to discuss the opportunities and challenges for women in the Acro communities. We will explore how Acro perpetuates and simultaneously dismantles gender stereotypes, and how these practices can celebrate women’s strength, and challenge societal expectations.
FemPower Acro is also an opportunity for us to practice together, support each other and lift each other up.
This event is intended for female-identified practitioners, transwomen and gender non conforming folks. To the greater community (and male-identified practitioners) thank you for honoring this special event by supporting this intention.
Danya co-founded the Acro SuperHeroes, the SuperHero Circus Academy, the Canadian Acro Intensive, founded FemPower Acro and has taught in over 100 communities. Danya brings with her a career in adult education, coaching and facilitation, a deep passion for social justice, and a Masters degree in Diversity Studies with a focus on pedagogy (the art and science of teaching). Danya is certified as both a Partner Acrobatics and Acro Revolution Teacher and attended 10 weeks of Pitch Catch Circus in 2016. She currently is in the process of developing a Social Justice focused Acro Teacher Training.
The Yoga Collective NYC
135 W 29th St, Unit 603
New York, NY 10001

Danya Xena
Danya Xena is a full-time travelling acro teacher who creates supportive, safe, collaborative and fun learning environments. With a focus on dynamic acrobatics she encourages everyone’s inner Super Heroes by offering a community feeling with great progressions and awesome spotting. As a mid-weight acrobat she is both a base and a flyer, and as such, has a great understanding of both sides of the practice.
Get the best of of NY AcroFest post-fest workshops
Friday Workshops
Acrobatic Hanstand @cosmic Fit Club
August 14th 2017
2:00am - 4:00pm

Make your handstand more confident and comfortable by learning new technicques for an aligned acrobatic handstand!
Are will cover alignment/tightness exercises, finger strengthening and body awareness exercises, balancing, flexibility exercises, handstand specific strengthening/conditioning and MORE. If you already practicing handstands, this workshop will refine your technique and streamline your practice. If you are a novice handstand practitioner, this workshop will lay the groundwork for your successful handstand journey.

Ara Kocharyan
is Russian acrobat/circus Full time performer based in Queens, New York City.
Having started his training in acrobatics as a six-year-old in Krasnodar, Russia, by the age of eight Ara had reached the status of Master of Sports - the coveted
honorary title among Russian athletes. He performed for years with a four man Russian Sport Acrobatic team as the top flyer in a four-high. He made his professional circus debut in Atlas Movement’s “THE OPTIMIST” as the lead character.
This year, Ara has returned to his roots and has partnered with a base, developing a range of dynamic and theatrical acts within male duo partner acrobatics.
As an acrobatics performer and instructor, he loves to combine his mastery of gymnastics with his extensive experience of an athletic dancer. He looks forward to growing as a performer, artist and actor and welcome new opportunities.
Cosmic Fit Club
21-36 44th Road
Long Island City, NY
The Art of Hand to Hand @cosmic Fit Club
August 14th 2017
5:00am - 7:00pm

For those new to h2h, learn the building blocks to successfully base or fly h2h, and take home a foundation of skills Bryan uses daily in his h2h practice. For more experienced h2h practitioners, refine your skills with new training techniques for continuing to better your h2h practice. Prerequisites - 1 min handstand hold @ the wall, base or fly star, shoulder stand, L-sit and foot to hand.
Yoga has enhanced these activities by giving him increased balance, breathe, strength and flexibility, which he strives to pass along in his classes. He became a teacher to give back what yoga has given him. Somewhere along the yoga path he found AcroYoga. This practice has now turned all things Acrobatics into a passion along side with yoga. He has a Masters Degree in Public Policy from the University of Utah. Yoga and acrobatics, for him, has become an ever evolving learning process, one that unfolds daily in new ways.
Bryan Flanders
Bryan turned to yoga after a cancer scare, wanting to be healthier, and found a level of health never before known or expected. Bryan ‘s three favorite things about teaching include being able to facilitate healing, bringing balance to one’s life, and seeing his students achieve their goals.
Cosmic Fit Club
21-36 44th Road
Long Island City, NY